Important update! (June 14th, 2017):
Please asure that all variables in are filled in correctly and adapted to Your environment. This especially for all variables regarding the Database Connection, like DB_PWD, DB_HOST, DB_PORT ... If not set correctly, the tool is not able to create the rcu repository which results in an error during runtime:
Problem invoking WLST - traceback(innermost last):
(no code object) at line 0
File "/opt/wls/oracle/", line 143
(no code object) at line 0
File "/opt/wls/oracle/", line 143
Part 2?? Yes! Part 1 - which covers the installation of FMW Infrastructure and Forms / Reports - can be found at Dirk Nachbars Blog: How to install and configure Oracle Forms & Reports 12c fully unattended - Part 1
The Task:
You have to create several new Forms 12c Domains / EnvironmentsThe Problem:
All oracle is providing to create Forms Domains is a Graphical User Interface. And there is no possibility of a 'silent' domain creation. In other words: Oracle does not support 'silent' domain creation.Disadvantages:
- each domain creation will take some time and needs manual input.
- possibility of typos during the create process is given,
- standardization - which is essential imho - is not supported anymore
- no unattended installation,
- and so on ... name it.
The Solution:
Dirk Nachbar ( and I created a toolset, based on a script written by Jan Peter Timmermann (, to do the whole stuff using scripts. But, You should know that oracle does not support silent installations officially. Nevertheless, it works very well, fast, reliable and repeatable.
The set consists of separate scripts to
- set an appropriate environment to create the domain
- install FMW Infrastructure software silently - if necessary (see Dirk Nachbars Blog for details)
- install Forms / Reports software silently - if necessary (see Dirk Nachbars Blog for details)
- create a domain
- add necessary components for Forms / Reports to the domain and to finally form the forms / reports domain
- create the webtier and - finally -
- configure the domain using forms config helper (see Dirk Nachbars Blog for details)
The scripts:
Lets start with the first script in the row - the script which starts the whole process:
#!/bin/bash #===================================================================== # # $Id: $ # $Name: $ # # PURPOSE: Script to create an Oracle Forms & Report WebLogic Domain # # PARAMETERS: none, all required parameters are taken from # # AUTHOR: EDOREX AG, Robert Crames, 2017 # # Modified : TRIVADIS AG, Dirk Nachbar, 2017 # # #===================================================================== # set -x # Set Start Time start_time=$(date +%s) echo ${DOMAIN_NAME} source $PWD/ echo $ORACLE_HOME function wait4something { echo " " echo "ENTER to proceed ..." read echo "The Installation Process is started ..." } echo "======================================================================================" echo " Program : ........" echo "======================================================================================" if [ -z "${WLST_HOME}" ]; then echo "Environment not correctly set - please verify" exit 1 fi #--> install Domain if ! test -d "${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}"; then echo "==================================================" echo "Domain will be installed ..." echo "==================================================" if [ -z "${ADM_PWD}" -o -z "${TEMPLATE}" -o -z "${ADMINPORT}" -o -z "${MW}" -o -z "${ADMINPORTSSL}" -o -z " ${DOMAIN_NAME}" ]; then echo "Environment not set - Exit" exit 1 fi # In case we are facing problems with /dev/random export$CONFIG_JVM_ARGS ${WLST_HOME}/ ${SCRIPT_HOME}/ mkdir -p ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${AS_NAME}/security echo "username=${ADM_USER}" > ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${AS_NAME}/security/ echo "password=${ADM_PWD}" >> ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${AS_NAME}/security/ if [ "${FORMS12C}" == "true" ] || [ "${REPORTS12C}" == "true" ]; then echo "===========================================" echo "Oracle Forms and Reports will be configured" echo "===========================================" cd ${SCRIPT_HOME} ${SCRIPT_HOME}/ echo "DOMAIN with Forms and Reports is created" fi if [ "${WEBTIER12C}" == "true" ]; then echo "===========================================" echo "Oracle Webtier will be configured" echo "===========================================" nohup ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo "===========================================" echo " Node Manager starting, wait for 30 seconds" echo "===========================================" sleep 30 nohup ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/ > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo "===========================================" echo "Admin Server ${AS_NAME} starting, wait for 2 Minutes" echo "===========================================" sleep 120 cd ${SCRIPT_HOME} ${SCRIPT_HOME}/ echo "DOMAIN with OHS is created" fi # Set End Time finish_time=$(date +%s) echo "Finished" echo "Domain Build Time: $(( $((finish_time - start_time))/60)) minutes." echo "Start Domain manually by using" else echo "Domain is already installed ..." fi
The sources a file, which is responsible to set the correct environment for the following processes:
# Location to the directory in which the create Domain scripts are residing export SCRIPT_HOME=$PWD # Directories export ORACLE_BASE=/appl/oracle export INT_ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/fmw-fr- export WL_HOME=$INT_ORACLE_HOME/wlserver export WLST_HOME=$INT_ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin export MW=$INT_ORACLE_HOME export DOMAIN_BASE=$ORACLE_BASE/user_projects/domains export APPLICATION_BASE=$ORACLE_BASE/user_projects/applications export APP_VZ=$APPLICATION_BASE # install forms true / false export FORMS12C=true # install reports true / false export REPORTS12C=true # install OHS true / false export WEBTIER12C=true export OHS_COMPONENTNAME=ohs1 export OHS_LISTENPORT=7777 export OHS_SSLPORT=4443 # Domain specific export TEMPLATE=$WL_HOME/common/templates/wls/wls.jar export DOMAIN_NAME=FRTEST # AdminServer export AS_NAME=FRTESTAdminServer export ADM_USER=weblogic export ADM_PWD=welcome1 export ADMINPORT=7001 export ADMINPORTSSL=7101 export AS_HOST=`hostname -f` # Name and Port for the Forms Managed Server export FORMS_MS_NAME=MS_FORMS export FORMS12C_MS_PORT=9001 # Name and Port for the Reports Managed Server export REPORTS_MS_NAME=MS_REPORTS export REPORTS12C_MS_PORT=9002 # Move Reports Application into WLS_FORMS (true or false) export REPORTS_IN_FORMS=false # NodeManager export NM_LISTENADDRESS=`hostname -f` export NM_TYPE=SSL export NM_PORT=5556 export NM_USERNAME=nodemanager export NM_PWD=welcome1 # Repository Connect export DBUSER=sys export DBPWD=<Password of user sys> export DBROLE=SYSDBA export COMPONENTPWD=<Password to be used for component access> export SCHEMA_PREFIX=$DOMAIN_NAME export DB_HOST=<Hostname> export DB_PORT=<Port, the database is listening on> export DB_SERVICE=<Servicename of the repository database> export DB_OMF=<true or false - set only to true if the database is prepared for that> export DB_USER_PW=<Password to be used for repository schema owners> export PWDFILE=$SCRIPT_HOME/passwords.txt
Set these parameters to values according Your needs. The variable names are selfexplaining ...
When all parameters are set, is the script which creates the basic domain:
#!/usr/bin/python # Things to do: # Logausgabe in File via redirect() import os, sys v_asName=os.environ['AS_NAME'] v_asUser=os.environ['ADM_USER'] v_webpw=os.environ['ADM_PWD'] v_adminport=os.environ['ADMINPORT'] v_adminportssl=os.environ['ADMINPORTSSL'] v_domainName=os.environ['DOMAIN_NAME'] v_template=os.environ['TEMPLATE'] v_javaHome=os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] v_setup_domain_base=os.environ['DOMAIN_BASE'] v_setup_application_base=os.environ['APPLICATION_BASE'] v_OracleHome=os.environ['INT_ORACLE_HOME'] v_dbhost=os.environ['DB_HOST'] v_dbport=os.environ['DB_PORT'] v_dbservice=os.environ['DB_SERVICE'] v_rcudbstr=v_dbhost+":"+v_dbport+":"+v_dbservice v_SchemaPrefix=os.environ['SCHEMA_PREFIX'] v_pwdfile=os.environ['PWDFILE'] v_dbUser=os.environ['DBUSER'] v_dbPwd=os.environ['DBPWD'] v_dbRole=os.environ['DBROLE'] v_dbOmf=os.environ['DB_OMF'] v_componentPassword=os.environ['COMPONENTPWD'] def printHeader(headerText): print "\n======================================================================================" print "--> "+headerText print "======================================================================================\n" def printInfo(infoText): print "-->: "+infoText printHeader("Started:") printHeader("Create password file") os.system("echo "+v_dbPwd+">"+v_pwdfile) os.system("echo " +v_componentPassword+ ">>"+v_pwdfile) os.system("echo " +v_componentPassword+ ">>"+v_pwdfile) os.system("echo " +v_componentPassword+ ">>"+v_pwdfile) os.system("echo " +v_componentPassword+ ">>"+v_pwdfile) os.system("echo " +v_componentPassword+ ">>"+v_pwdfile) printHeader("Step: create repository - started") printInfo("Drop repository "+v_SchemaPrefix) os.system(v_OracleHome + "/oracle_common/bin/rcu -silent -dropRepository -databaseType ORACLE -connectString "+ v_rcudbstr +" -dbUser "+v_dbUser+" -dbRole "+v_dbRole+" -schemaPrefix "+v_SchemaPrefix+" -component STB -component IAU -component IAU_APPEND -component IAU_VIEWER -component OPSS -f <"+v_pwdfile) printInfo("Repository "+v_SchemaPrefix+" dropped") printInfo("Create repository "+v_SchemaPrefix+" - started") os.system(v_OracleHome + "/oracle_common/bin/rcu -silent -createRepository -honorOMF "+ v_dbOmf +" -connectString "+ v_rcudbstr +" -dbUser "+v_dbUser+" -dbRole "+v_dbRole+" -useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers true -schemaPrefix "+v_SchemaPrefix+" -component STB -component IAU -component IAU_APPEND -component IAU_VIEWER -component OPSS -f < "+v_pwdfile) printInfo("Repository "+v_SchemaPrefix+" created") printHeader("Step: Read default template (always wls.jar!!)") readTemplate(v_template) printInfo("Template: "+v_template+" successfully read") printHeader("Step: Prepare Domain --> Set Domain Name to"+v_domainName) cd('/') cmo.setName(v_domainName) printInfo("Step: Set Domain Name --> Successful") printHeader("Step: Prepare Domain --> Set User Password") cd('/') cd('/Security/'+v_domainName+'/User/'+v_asUser) cmo.setPassword(v_webpw) printInfo("Step: Set User Password --> Successful") printHeader('Step: Prepare Domain --> Set AdminServer Name ('+v_asName+') and Port ('+v_adminport+')') cd('/') cd('/Server/AdminServer') cmo.setName(v_asName) cd('/') cd('/Server/'+v_asName) cmo.setListenPort(int(v_adminport)) printInfo("Step: Set AdminServer Name --> Successful") printHeader("Step: Prepare Domain --> Set Domain Properties") setOption('OverwriteDomain', 'true') setOption('ServerStartMode','prod') printInfo("Step: Set Domain Properties --> Successful") printHeader("Step: Prepare Domain --> Set JAVA_HOME in Domain") setOption('JavaHome',v_javaHome) printInfo("Step: Set JAVA_HOME in Domain --> Successful") printHeader("Step: writeDomain and closeTemplate") writeDomain(v_setup_domain_base+'/'+v_domainName) closeTemplate() printInfo("Step: writeDomain and closeTemplate --> Successful") printHeader("Finished:")
Next in line is the script, to add forms / reports specific stuff to the domain. We called it: (which calls
#!/bin/bash #===================================================================== # # $Id: $ # $Name: $ # # PURPOSE: Script to a WebLogic Domain with Forms & Reports # Script will be called by # # PARAMETERS: none, all required parameters are taken from # # AUTHOR: EDOREX AG, Robert Crames, 2017 # # Modified : TRIVADIS AG, Dirk Nachbar, 2017 # # #===================================================================== echo "======================================================================================" echo " Program : ........" echo "======================================================================================" # In case we are facing problems with /dev/random export$CONFIG_JVM_ARGS ${WLST_HOME}/ ${SCRIPT_HOME}/ if [ "${FORMS12C}" == "true" ]; then mkdir -p ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${FORMS_MS_NAME}/security echo "username=${ADM_USER}" > ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${FORMS_MS_NAME}/security/ echo "password=${ADM_PWD}" >> ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${FORMS_MS_NAME}/security/ fi if [ "${REPORTS12C}" == "true" ]; then mkdir -p ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${REPORTS_MS_NAME}/security echo "username=${ADM_USER}" > ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${REPORTS_MS_NAME}/security/ echo "password=${ADM_PWD}" >> ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${REPORTS_MS_NAME}/security/ fi
#!/usr/bin/python # Things to do: # import os, sys v_forms=os.environ['FORMS12C'] v_formsMSName=os.environ['FORMS_MS_NAME'] v_formsPort=os.environ['FORMS12C_MS_PORT'] v_reports=os.environ['REPORTS12C'] v_reportsMSName=os.environ['REPORTS_MS_NAME'] v_reportsPort=os.environ['REPORTS12C_MS_PORT'] v_NMListenAddress=os.environ['NM_LISTENADDRESS'] v_NMType=os.environ['NM_TYPE'] v_NMPort=os.environ['NM_PORT'] v_NMUsername=os.environ['NM_USERNAME'] v_NMPwd=os.environ['NM_PWD'] v_domain=os.environ['DOMAIN_NAME'] v_dbhost=os.environ['DB_HOST'] v_dbport=os.environ['DB_PORT'] v_dbservice=os.environ['DB_SERVICE'] v_url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@//"+v_dbhost+':'+v_dbport+'/'+v_dbservice v_pwd=os.environ['DB_USER_PW'] v_SchemaPrefix=os.environ['SCHEMA_PREFIX'] v_setup_domain_base=os.environ['DOMAIN_BASE'] v_setup_application_base=os.environ['APPLICATION_BASE'] v_reports_in_forms=os.environ['REPORTS_IN_FORMS'] def changeDatasourceToXA(datasource): print 'Change datasource '+datasource cd('/') cd('/JDBCSystemResource/'+datasource+'/JdbcResource/'+datasource+'/JDBCDriverParams/NO_NAME_0') set('DriverName','oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource') set('UseXADataSourceInterface','True') cd('/JDBCSystemResource/'+datasource+'/JdbcResource/'+datasource+'/JDBCDataSourceParams/NO_NAME_0') set('GlobalTransactionsProtocol','TwoPhaseCommit') cd('/') def printHeader(headerText): print "\n======================================================================================" print "--> "+headerText print "======================================================================================\n" def printInfo(infoText): print "-->: "+infoText printHeader("Started:") try: if not ( v_forms == "true" or v_reports == "true" ): printInfo( "Forms and Reports flag are set to false") printInfo( "We will stop processing, please activate Forms or Reports") exit() printHeader( "readDomain "+v_domain+" started") readDomain(v_setup_domain_base+'/'+v_domain) printInfo( "readDomain successful") except: printInfo( "readDomain failed") exit() try: printHeader( "select and load templates") selectTemplate('Oracle HTTP Server (Collocated)') if v_forms == "true": selectTemplate('Oracle Forms') if v_reports == "true": selectTemplate('Oracle Reports Application') selectTemplate('Oracle Reports Server') printInfo( "select templates successful") loadTemplates() printInfo( "load templates successful") except: printInfo( "select and load templates failed") exit() printHeader("JDBC configuration") try: printInfo("Configure LocalSvcTblDataSource") cd('/') cd('/JDBCSystemResource/LocalSvcTblDataSource/JdbcResource/LocalSvcTblDataSource') cd('JDBCDriverParams/NO_NAME_0') set('DriverName','oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver') set('URL', v_url) set('PasswordEncrypted', v_pwd) cd('Properties/NO_NAME_0') cd('Property/user') cmo.setValue(v_SchemaPrefix+'_STB') printInfo("Configure LocalSvcTblDataSource successful") except: printInfo("Configure LocalSvcTblDataSource failed") exit() try: printInfo("Configure opss-data-source") cd('/') cd('JDBCSystemResource/opss-data-source/JdbcResource/opss-data-source') cd('JDBCDriverParams/NO_NAME_0') set('DriverName','oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver') set('URL', v_url) set('PasswordEncrypted', v_pwd) cd('Properties/NO_NAME_0') cd('Property/user') cmo.setValue(v_SchemaPrefix+'_OPSS') printInfo("Configure opss-data-source successful") except: printInfo("Configure opss-data-source failed") exit() try: printInfo("Configure opss-audit-viewDS") cd('/') cd('JDBCSystemResource/opss-audit-viewDS/JdbcResource/opss-audit-viewDS') cd('JDBCDriverParams/NO_NAME_0') set('DriverName','oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver') set('URL', v_url) set('PasswordEncrypted', v_pwd) cd('Properties/NO_NAME_0') cd('Property/user') cmo.setValue(v_SchemaPrefix+'_IAU_VIEWER') printInfo("Configure opss-audit-viewDS successful") except: printInfo("Configure opss-audit-viewDS failed") exit() try: printInfo("Configure opss-audit-DBDS") cd('/') cd('JDBCSystemResource/opss-audit-DBDS/JdbcResource/opss-audit-DBDS') cd('JDBCDriverParams/NO_NAME_0') set('DriverName','oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver') set('URL', v_url) set('PasswordEncrypted', v_pwd) cd('Properties/NO_NAME_0') cd('Property/user') cmo.setValue(v_SchemaPrefix+'_IAU_APPEND') printInfo("Configure opss-audit-DBDS successful") except: printInfo("Configure opss-audit-DBDS failed") exit() try: printInfo("Modify Datasources: LocalSvcTblDataSource , opss-audit-DBDS, opss-audit-viewDS , opss-data-source") changeDatasourceToXA('LocalSvcTblDataSource') changeDatasourceToXA('opss-audit-DBDS') changeDatasourceToXA('opss-audit-viewDS') changeDatasourceToXA('opss-data-source') printInfo("Modify Datasources successful") except: printInfo("Modify Datasources failed") printHeader('Customize Domain Settings') try: printInfo("Name and Ports of the Managed Servers will be modified") if v_forms == "true": cd('/') cd('/Server/WLS_FORMS') cmo.setName(v_formsMSName) cd('/') cd('/Server/'+v_formsMSName) cmo.setListenPort(int(v_formsPort)) if v_reports == "true": cd('/') cd('/Server/WLS_REPORTS') cmo.setName(v_reportsMSName) cd('/Server/'+v_reportsMSName) cmo.setListenPort(int(v_reportsPort)) printInfo("Modification of Name and Ports are successful") except: printInfo("ERROR: Modification of Name and Ports are failed") try: if v_reports_in_forms == 'false': printInfo("Reports are remaining in own Managed Server") except: printInfo("x") try: if v_reports_in_forms == 'true': printInfo("Trying Move Reports into Forms Managed Server") cd('/') cd('/AppDeployments/reports#12.2.1') set('Target','cluster_forms') cd('/') cd('/Library/oracle.reports.applib#12.2.1@12.2.1') set('Target','cluster_forms') printInfo("Move Reports into Forms Managed Server are successful") except: printInfo("ERROR: Move Reports into Forms Managed Server failed") try: printHeader("Nodemanager Configuration") cd('/') cd('/Machines/AdminServerMachine/NodeManager/AdminServerMachine') cmo.setNMType(v_NMType) cmo.setListenAddress(v_NMListenAddress) cmo.setListenPort(int(v_NMPort)) cd('/') cd('/SecurityConfiguration/'+v_domain) cmo.setNodeManagerUsername(v_NMUsername) cmo.setNodeManagerPasswordEncrypted(v_NMPwd) printInfo("Nodemanager Configuration successful") except: printInfo("ERROR: Nodemanager Configuration failed") try: printHeader("AppDir will be set to "+v_setup_application_base) try: setOption('AppDir',v_setup_application_base) except Exception, e: print "Error Message "+ str(e) printInfo("Domain will be updated and saved") printInfo("... this can take up to 5 minutes") updateDomain() closeDomain() printHeader("Program End:") print "======================================================================================" exit() except: print "Domain could not be saved"
After all, it's time to create the Webtier ... using /
#!/bin/bash #===================================================================== # # $Id: $ # $Name: $ # # PURPOSE: Script to configure Oracle HTTP Server for Oracle Forms & Reports # # PARAMETERS: none, all required parameters are taken from # # AUTHOR: TRIVADIS AG, Dirk Nachbar, 2017 # # Modified : # # #===================================================================== echo "======================================================================================" echo " Program : ........" echo "======================================================================================" # Check the required Environment Variables for OHS COnfiguration if [ -z "${OHS_COMPONENTNAME}" -o -z "${OHS_LISTENPORT}" -o -z "${OHS_SSLPORT}" ]; then echo "Environment not set - Exit" exit 1 fi # In case we are facing problems with /dev/random export$CONFIG_JVM_ARGS ${WLST_HOME}/ ${SCRIPT_HOME}/ echo "======================================================================================" echo "Starting newly create OHS Component ${OHS_COMPONENTNAME} " echo "======================================================================================" echo ${NM_PWD} | ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/bin/ ${OHS_COMPONENTNAME} storeUserConfig
#!/usr/bin/python # Things to do: # import os, sys v_asUser=os.environ['ADM_USER'] v_webpw=os.environ['ADM_PWD'] v_adminport=os.environ['ADMINPORT'] v_as_host=os.environ['AS_HOST'] v_ohs_componentname=os.environ['OHS_COMPONENTNAME'] v_ohs_listenport=os.environ['OHS_LISTENPORT'] v_ohs_sslport=os.environ['OHS_SSLPORT'] connect(v_asUser, v_webpw, v_as_host+':'+v_adminport) ohs_createInstance(instanceName=v_ohs_componentname, machine='AdminServerMachine', listenPort=v_ohs_listenport, sslPort=v_ohs_sslport)
That's it - basically ... If You want to know, how to install the necessary software (FMW Infrastructure plus Forms Reports) and to configure the domain using forms config helper, please have a look at Dirk Nachbar's Blog --> How to install and configure Oracle Forms & Reports 12c fully unattended - Part 1
Please leave comments, requests for enhancements or hints (in case we could do something better or with less overhead).
Special thanks to Jan Peter Timmermann who shared important information, and by doing that, gave the initial input for the script set.