Important update! (June 14th, 2017):
Please asure that all variables in are filled in correctly and adapted to Your environment. This especially for all variables regarding the Database Connection, like DB_PWD, DB_HOST, DB_PORT ... If not set correctly, the tool is not able to create the rcu repository which results in an error during runtime:
Problem invoking WLST - traceback(innermost last):
(no code object) at line 0
File "/opt/wls/oracle/", line 143
(no code object) at line 0
File "/opt/wls/oracle/", line 143
Part 2?? Yes! Part 1 - which covers the installation of FMW Infrastructure and Forms / Reports - can be found at Dirk Nachbars Blog: How to install and configure Oracle Forms & Reports 12c fully unattended - Part 1
The Task:
You have to create several new Forms 12c Domains / EnvironmentsThe Problem:
All oracle is providing to create Forms Domains is a Graphical User Interface. And there is no possibility of a 'silent' domain creation. In other words: Oracle does not support 'silent' domain creation.Disadvantages:
- each domain creation will take some time and needs manual input.
- possibility of typos during the create process is given,
- standardization - which is essential imho - is not supported anymore
- no unattended installation,
- and so on ... name it.
The Solution:
Dirk Nachbar ( and I created a toolset, based on a script written by Jan Peter Timmermann (, to do the whole stuff using scripts. But, You should know that oracle does not support silent installations officially. Nevertheless, it works very well, fast, reliable and repeatable.
The set consists of separate scripts to
- set an appropriate environment to create the domain
- install FMW Infrastructure software silently - if necessary (see Dirk Nachbars Blog for details)
- install Forms / Reports software silently - if necessary (see Dirk Nachbars Blog for details)
- create a domain
- add necessary components for Forms / Reports to the domain and to finally form the forms / reports domain
- create the webtier and - finally -
- configure the domain using forms config helper (see Dirk Nachbars Blog for details)
The scripts:
Lets start with the first script in the row - the script which starts the whole process:
#!/bin/bash #===================================================================== # # $Id: $ # $Name: $ # # PURPOSE: Script to create an Oracle Forms & Report WebLogic Domain # # PARAMETERS: none, all required parameters are taken from # # AUTHOR: EDOREX AG, Robert Crames, 2017 # # Modified : TRIVADIS AG, Dirk Nachbar, 2017 # # #===================================================================== # set -x # Set Start Time start_time=$(date +%s) echo ${DOMAIN_NAME} source $PWD/ echo $ORACLE_HOME function wait4something { echo " " echo "ENTER to proceed ..." read echo "The Installation Process is started ..." } echo "======================================================================================" echo " Program : ........" echo "======================================================================================" if [ -z "${WLST_HOME}" ]; then echo "Environment not correctly set - please verify" exit 1 fi #--> install Domain if ! test -d "${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}"; then echo "==================================================" echo "Domain will be installed ..." echo "==================================================" if [ -z "${ADM_PWD}" -o -z "${TEMPLATE}" -o -z "${ADMINPORT}" -o -z "${MW}" -o -z "${ADMINPORTSSL}" -o -z " ${DOMAIN_NAME}" ]; then echo "Environment not set - Exit" exit 1 fi # In case we are facing problems with /dev/random export$CONFIG_JVM_ARGS ${WLST_HOME}/ ${SCRIPT_HOME}/ mkdir -p ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${AS_NAME}/security echo "username=${ADM_USER}" > ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${AS_NAME}/security/ echo "password=${ADM_PWD}" >> ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${AS_NAME}/security/ if [ "${FORMS12C}" == "true" ] || [ "${REPORTS12C}" == "true" ]; then echo "===========================================" echo "Oracle Forms and Reports will be configured" echo "===========================================" cd ${SCRIPT_HOME} ${SCRIPT_HOME}/ echo "DOMAIN with Forms and Reports is created" fi if [ "${WEBTIER12C}" == "true" ]; then echo "===========================================" echo "Oracle Webtier will be configured" echo "===========================================" nohup ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo "===========================================" echo " Node Manager starting, wait for 30 seconds" echo "===========================================" sleep 30 nohup ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/ > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo "===========================================" echo "Admin Server ${AS_NAME} starting, wait for 2 Minutes" echo "===========================================" sleep 120 cd ${SCRIPT_HOME} ${SCRIPT_HOME}/ echo "DOMAIN with OHS is created" fi # Set End Time finish_time=$(date +%s) echo "Finished" echo "Domain Build Time: $(( $((finish_time - start_time))/60)) minutes." echo "Start Domain manually by using" else echo "Domain is already installed ..." fi
The sources a file, which is responsible to set the correct environment for the following processes:
# Location to the directory in which the create Domain scripts are residing export SCRIPT_HOME=$PWD # Directories export ORACLE_BASE=/appl/oracle export INT_ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/fmw-fr- export WL_HOME=$INT_ORACLE_HOME/wlserver export WLST_HOME=$INT_ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin export MW=$INT_ORACLE_HOME export DOMAIN_BASE=$ORACLE_BASE/user_projects/domains export APPLICATION_BASE=$ORACLE_BASE/user_projects/applications export APP_VZ=$APPLICATION_BASE # install forms true / false export FORMS12C=true # install reports true / false export REPORTS12C=true # install OHS true / false export WEBTIER12C=true export OHS_COMPONENTNAME=ohs1 export OHS_LISTENPORT=7777 export OHS_SSLPORT=4443 # Domain specific export TEMPLATE=$WL_HOME/common/templates/wls/wls.jar export DOMAIN_NAME=FRTEST # AdminServer export AS_NAME=FRTESTAdminServer export ADM_USER=weblogic export ADM_PWD=welcome1 export ADMINPORT=7001 export ADMINPORTSSL=7101 export AS_HOST=`hostname -f` # Name and Port for the Forms Managed Server export FORMS_MS_NAME=MS_FORMS export FORMS12C_MS_PORT=9001 # Name and Port for the Reports Managed Server export REPORTS_MS_NAME=MS_REPORTS export REPORTS12C_MS_PORT=9002 # Move Reports Application into WLS_FORMS (true or false) export REPORTS_IN_FORMS=false # NodeManager export NM_LISTENADDRESS=`hostname -f` export NM_TYPE=SSL export NM_PORT=5556 export NM_USERNAME=nodemanager export NM_PWD=welcome1 # Repository Connect export DBUSER=sys export DBPWD=<Password of user sys> export DBROLE=SYSDBA export COMPONENTPWD=<Password to be used for component access> export SCHEMA_PREFIX=$DOMAIN_NAME export DB_HOST=<Hostname> export DB_PORT=<Port, the database is listening on> export DB_SERVICE=<Servicename of the repository database> export DB_OMF=<true or false - set only to true if the database is prepared for that> export DB_USER_PW=<Password to be used for repository schema owners> export PWDFILE=$SCRIPT_HOME/passwords.txt
Set these parameters to values according Your needs. The variable names are selfexplaining ...
When all parameters are set, is the script which creates the basic domain:
#!/usr/bin/python # Things to do: # Logausgabe in File via redirect() import os, sys v_asName=os.environ['AS_NAME'] v_asUser=os.environ['ADM_USER'] v_webpw=os.environ['ADM_PWD'] v_adminport=os.environ['ADMINPORT'] v_adminportssl=os.environ['ADMINPORTSSL'] v_domainName=os.environ['DOMAIN_NAME'] v_template=os.environ['TEMPLATE'] v_javaHome=os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] v_setup_domain_base=os.environ['DOMAIN_BASE'] v_setup_application_base=os.environ['APPLICATION_BASE'] v_OracleHome=os.environ['INT_ORACLE_HOME'] v_dbhost=os.environ['DB_HOST'] v_dbport=os.environ['DB_PORT'] v_dbservice=os.environ['DB_SERVICE'] v_rcudbstr=v_dbhost+":"+v_dbport+":"+v_dbservice v_SchemaPrefix=os.environ['SCHEMA_PREFIX'] v_pwdfile=os.environ['PWDFILE'] v_dbUser=os.environ['DBUSER'] v_dbPwd=os.environ['DBPWD'] v_dbRole=os.environ['DBROLE'] v_dbOmf=os.environ['DB_OMF'] v_componentPassword=os.environ['COMPONENTPWD'] def printHeader(headerText): print "\n======================================================================================" print "--> "+headerText print "======================================================================================\n" def printInfo(infoText): print "-->: "+infoText printHeader("Started:") printHeader("Create password file") os.system("echo "+v_dbPwd+">"+v_pwdfile) os.system("echo " +v_componentPassword+ ">>"+v_pwdfile) os.system("echo " +v_componentPassword+ ">>"+v_pwdfile) os.system("echo " +v_componentPassword+ ">>"+v_pwdfile) os.system("echo " +v_componentPassword+ ">>"+v_pwdfile) os.system("echo " +v_componentPassword+ ">>"+v_pwdfile) printHeader("Step: create repository - started") printInfo("Drop repository "+v_SchemaPrefix) os.system(v_OracleHome + "/oracle_common/bin/rcu -silent -dropRepository -databaseType ORACLE -connectString "+ v_rcudbstr +" -dbUser "+v_dbUser+" -dbRole "+v_dbRole+" -schemaPrefix "+v_SchemaPrefix+" -component STB -component IAU -component IAU_APPEND -component IAU_VIEWER -component OPSS -f <"+v_pwdfile) printInfo("Repository "+v_SchemaPrefix+" dropped") printInfo("Create repository "+v_SchemaPrefix+" - started") os.system(v_OracleHome + "/oracle_common/bin/rcu -silent -createRepository -honorOMF "+ v_dbOmf +" -connectString "+ v_rcudbstr +" -dbUser "+v_dbUser+" -dbRole "+v_dbRole+" -useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers true -schemaPrefix "+v_SchemaPrefix+" -component STB -component IAU -component IAU_APPEND -component IAU_VIEWER -component OPSS -f < "+v_pwdfile) printInfo("Repository "+v_SchemaPrefix+" created") printHeader("Step: Read default template (always wls.jar!!)") readTemplate(v_template) printInfo("Template: "+v_template+" successfully read") printHeader("Step: Prepare Domain --> Set Domain Name to"+v_domainName) cd('/') cmo.setName(v_domainName) printInfo("Step: Set Domain Name --> Successful") printHeader("Step: Prepare Domain --> Set User Password") cd('/') cd('/Security/'+v_domainName+'/User/'+v_asUser) cmo.setPassword(v_webpw) printInfo("Step: Set User Password --> Successful") printHeader('Step: Prepare Domain --> Set AdminServer Name ('+v_asName+') and Port ('+v_adminport+')') cd('/') cd('/Server/AdminServer') cmo.setName(v_asName) cd('/') cd('/Server/'+v_asName) cmo.setListenPort(int(v_adminport)) printInfo("Step: Set AdminServer Name --> Successful") printHeader("Step: Prepare Domain --> Set Domain Properties") setOption('OverwriteDomain', 'true') setOption('ServerStartMode','prod') printInfo("Step: Set Domain Properties --> Successful") printHeader("Step: Prepare Domain --> Set JAVA_HOME in Domain") setOption('JavaHome',v_javaHome) printInfo("Step: Set JAVA_HOME in Domain --> Successful") printHeader("Step: writeDomain and closeTemplate") writeDomain(v_setup_domain_base+'/'+v_domainName) closeTemplate() printInfo("Step: writeDomain and closeTemplate --> Successful") printHeader("Finished:")
Next in line is the script, to add forms / reports specific stuff to the domain. We called it: (which calls
#!/bin/bash #===================================================================== # # $Id: $ # $Name: $ # # PURPOSE: Script to a WebLogic Domain with Forms & Reports # Script will be called by # # PARAMETERS: none, all required parameters are taken from # # AUTHOR: EDOREX AG, Robert Crames, 2017 # # Modified : TRIVADIS AG, Dirk Nachbar, 2017 # # #===================================================================== echo "======================================================================================" echo " Program : ........" echo "======================================================================================" # In case we are facing problems with /dev/random export$CONFIG_JVM_ARGS ${WLST_HOME}/ ${SCRIPT_HOME}/ if [ "${FORMS12C}" == "true" ]; then mkdir -p ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${FORMS_MS_NAME}/security echo "username=${ADM_USER}" > ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${FORMS_MS_NAME}/security/ echo "password=${ADM_PWD}" >> ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${FORMS_MS_NAME}/security/ fi if [ "${REPORTS12C}" == "true" ]; then mkdir -p ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${REPORTS_MS_NAME}/security echo "username=${ADM_USER}" > ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${REPORTS_MS_NAME}/security/ echo "password=${ADM_PWD}" >> ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/servers/${REPORTS_MS_NAME}/security/ fi
#!/usr/bin/python # Things to do: # import os, sys v_forms=os.environ['FORMS12C'] v_formsMSName=os.environ['FORMS_MS_NAME'] v_formsPort=os.environ['FORMS12C_MS_PORT'] v_reports=os.environ['REPORTS12C'] v_reportsMSName=os.environ['REPORTS_MS_NAME'] v_reportsPort=os.environ['REPORTS12C_MS_PORT'] v_NMListenAddress=os.environ['NM_LISTENADDRESS'] v_NMType=os.environ['NM_TYPE'] v_NMPort=os.environ['NM_PORT'] v_NMUsername=os.environ['NM_USERNAME'] v_NMPwd=os.environ['NM_PWD'] v_domain=os.environ['DOMAIN_NAME'] v_dbhost=os.environ['DB_HOST'] v_dbport=os.environ['DB_PORT'] v_dbservice=os.environ['DB_SERVICE'] v_url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@//"+v_dbhost+':'+v_dbport+'/'+v_dbservice v_pwd=os.environ['DB_USER_PW'] v_SchemaPrefix=os.environ['SCHEMA_PREFIX'] v_setup_domain_base=os.environ['DOMAIN_BASE'] v_setup_application_base=os.environ['APPLICATION_BASE'] v_reports_in_forms=os.environ['REPORTS_IN_FORMS'] def changeDatasourceToXA(datasource): print 'Change datasource '+datasource cd('/') cd('/JDBCSystemResource/'+datasource+'/JdbcResource/'+datasource+'/JDBCDriverParams/NO_NAME_0') set('DriverName','oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource') set('UseXADataSourceInterface','True') cd('/JDBCSystemResource/'+datasource+'/JdbcResource/'+datasource+'/JDBCDataSourceParams/NO_NAME_0') set('GlobalTransactionsProtocol','TwoPhaseCommit') cd('/') def printHeader(headerText): print "\n======================================================================================" print "--> "+headerText print "======================================================================================\n" def printInfo(infoText): print "-->: "+infoText printHeader("Started:") try: if not ( v_forms == "true" or v_reports == "true" ): printInfo( "Forms and Reports flag are set to false") printInfo( "We will stop processing, please activate Forms or Reports") exit() printHeader( "readDomain "+v_domain+" started") readDomain(v_setup_domain_base+'/'+v_domain) printInfo( "readDomain successful") except: printInfo( "readDomain failed") exit() try: printHeader( "select and load templates") selectTemplate('Oracle HTTP Server (Collocated)') if v_forms == "true": selectTemplate('Oracle Forms') if v_reports == "true": selectTemplate('Oracle Reports Application') selectTemplate('Oracle Reports Server') printInfo( "select templates successful") loadTemplates() printInfo( "load templates successful") except: printInfo( "select and load templates failed") exit() printHeader("JDBC configuration") try: printInfo("Configure LocalSvcTblDataSource") cd('/') cd('/JDBCSystemResource/LocalSvcTblDataSource/JdbcResource/LocalSvcTblDataSource') cd('JDBCDriverParams/NO_NAME_0') set('DriverName','oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver') set('URL', v_url) set('PasswordEncrypted', v_pwd) cd('Properties/NO_NAME_0') cd('Property/user') cmo.setValue(v_SchemaPrefix+'_STB') printInfo("Configure LocalSvcTblDataSource successful") except: printInfo("Configure LocalSvcTblDataSource failed") exit() try: printInfo("Configure opss-data-source") cd('/') cd('JDBCSystemResource/opss-data-source/JdbcResource/opss-data-source') cd('JDBCDriverParams/NO_NAME_0') set('DriverName','oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver') set('URL', v_url) set('PasswordEncrypted', v_pwd) cd('Properties/NO_NAME_0') cd('Property/user') cmo.setValue(v_SchemaPrefix+'_OPSS') printInfo("Configure opss-data-source successful") except: printInfo("Configure opss-data-source failed") exit() try: printInfo("Configure opss-audit-viewDS") cd('/') cd('JDBCSystemResource/opss-audit-viewDS/JdbcResource/opss-audit-viewDS') cd('JDBCDriverParams/NO_NAME_0') set('DriverName','oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver') set('URL', v_url) set('PasswordEncrypted', v_pwd) cd('Properties/NO_NAME_0') cd('Property/user') cmo.setValue(v_SchemaPrefix+'_IAU_VIEWER') printInfo("Configure opss-audit-viewDS successful") except: printInfo("Configure opss-audit-viewDS failed") exit() try: printInfo("Configure opss-audit-DBDS") cd('/') cd('JDBCSystemResource/opss-audit-DBDS/JdbcResource/opss-audit-DBDS') cd('JDBCDriverParams/NO_NAME_0') set('DriverName','oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver') set('URL', v_url) set('PasswordEncrypted', v_pwd) cd('Properties/NO_NAME_0') cd('Property/user') cmo.setValue(v_SchemaPrefix+'_IAU_APPEND') printInfo("Configure opss-audit-DBDS successful") except: printInfo("Configure opss-audit-DBDS failed") exit() try: printInfo("Modify Datasources: LocalSvcTblDataSource , opss-audit-DBDS, opss-audit-viewDS , opss-data-source") changeDatasourceToXA('LocalSvcTblDataSource') changeDatasourceToXA('opss-audit-DBDS') changeDatasourceToXA('opss-audit-viewDS') changeDatasourceToXA('opss-data-source') printInfo("Modify Datasources successful") except: printInfo("Modify Datasources failed") printHeader('Customize Domain Settings') try: printInfo("Name and Ports of the Managed Servers will be modified") if v_forms == "true": cd('/') cd('/Server/WLS_FORMS') cmo.setName(v_formsMSName) cd('/') cd('/Server/'+v_formsMSName) cmo.setListenPort(int(v_formsPort)) if v_reports == "true": cd('/') cd('/Server/WLS_REPORTS') cmo.setName(v_reportsMSName) cd('/Server/'+v_reportsMSName) cmo.setListenPort(int(v_reportsPort)) printInfo("Modification of Name and Ports are successful") except: printInfo("ERROR: Modification of Name and Ports are failed") try: if v_reports_in_forms == 'false': printInfo("Reports are remaining in own Managed Server") except: printInfo("x") try: if v_reports_in_forms == 'true': printInfo("Trying Move Reports into Forms Managed Server") cd('/') cd('/AppDeployments/reports#12.2.1') set('Target','cluster_forms') cd('/') cd('/Library/oracle.reports.applib#12.2.1@12.2.1') set('Target','cluster_forms') printInfo("Move Reports into Forms Managed Server are successful") except: printInfo("ERROR: Move Reports into Forms Managed Server failed") try: printHeader("Nodemanager Configuration") cd('/') cd('/Machines/AdminServerMachine/NodeManager/AdminServerMachine') cmo.setNMType(v_NMType) cmo.setListenAddress(v_NMListenAddress) cmo.setListenPort(int(v_NMPort)) cd('/') cd('/SecurityConfiguration/'+v_domain) cmo.setNodeManagerUsername(v_NMUsername) cmo.setNodeManagerPasswordEncrypted(v_NMPwd) printInfo("Nodemanager Configuration successful") except: printInfo("ERROR: Nodemanager Configuration failed") try: printHeader("AppDir will be set to "+v_setup_application_base) try: setOption('AppDir',v_setup_application_base) except Exception, e: print "Error Message "+ str(e) printInfo("Domain will be updated and saved") printInfo("... this can take up to 5 minutes") updateDomain() closeDomain() printHeader("Program End:") print "======================================================================================" exit() except: print "Domain could not be saved"
After all, it's time to create the Webtier ... using /
#!/bin/bash #===================================================================== # # $Id: $ # $Name: $ # # PURPOSE: Script to configure Oracle HTTP Server for Oracle Forms & Reports # # PARAMETERS: none, all required parameters are taken from # # AUTHOR: TRIVADIS AG, Dirk Nachbar, 2017 # # Modified : # # #===================================================================== echo "======================================================================================" echo " Program : ........" echo "======================================================================================" # Check the required Environment Variables for OHS COnfiguration if [ -z "${OHS_COMPONENTNAME}" -o -z "${OHS_LISTENPORT}" -o -z "${OHS_SSLPORT}" ]; then echo "Environment not set - Exit" exit 1 fi # In case we are facing problems with /dev/random export$CONFIG_JVM_ARGS ${WLST_HOME}/ ${SCRIPT_HOME}/ echo "======================================================================================" echo "Starting newly create OHS Component ${OHS_COMPONENTNAME} " echo "======================================================================================" echo ${NM_PWD} | ${DOMAIN_BASE}/${DOMAIN_NAME}/bin/ ${OHS_COMPONENTNAME} storeUserConfig
#!/usr/bin/python # Things to do: # import os, sys v_asUser=os.environ['ADM_USER'] v_webpw=os.environ['ADM_PWD'] v_adminport=os.environ['ADMINPORT'] v_as_host=os.environ['AS_HOST'] v_ohs_componentname=os.environ['OHS_COMPONENTNAME'] v_ohs_listenport=os.environ['OHS_LISTENPORT'] v_ohs_sslport=os.environ['OHS_SSLPORT'] connect(v_asUser, v_webpw, v_as_host+':'+v_adminport) ohs_createInstance(instanceName=v_ohs_componentname, machine='AdminServerMachine', listenPort=v_ohs_listenport, sslPort=v_ohs_sslport)
That's it - basically ... If You want to know, how to install the necessary software (FMW Infrastructure plus Forms Reports) and to configure the domain using forms config helper, please have a look at Dirk Nachbar's Blog --> How to install and configure Oracle Forms & Reports 12c fully unattended - Part 1
Please leave comments, requests for enhancements or hints (in case we could do something better or with less overhead).
Special thanks to Jan Peter Timmermann who shared important information, and by doing that, gave the initial input for the script set.
I'm currently in the process of creating a docker for forms, so this is very timely.
ReplyDeleteIssues so far:
- Get a 'missing file' error when using DB_OMF. Appears to work with this set to false.
- Had to comment out the changeDatasourceToXA code, and threw an 'unable to cast to java.sql.Driver'. Exception
- The content of just repeats the .sh
Other than that, appears to be working! Really appreciate the time you've put into this.
Hi Al Capone
Deletesorry for the delay - I'm currently on vacation ... Thanks a lot for Your comment. I will have a closer look at these issues asap - and fix / resolve these problems
best regards
Issues 3 and 4 are solved (Post is updated), Issues 1 and 2 are under investigation ...
DeletePrerequisite for DB_OMF=true is that the Database is prepared for Oracle Managed Files. The parameter does not set the Database into that mode. When set to false the database is assumed to have no OMF support.
Delete1) Ok - I understand, thanks
Delete2) Not really sure what the requirement on making it an XA connection
3/4) Great, thanks!!
2) --> Could You please check whether or not the mbeans used in changeDatasourceToXA are available? And: What is the exact errormessage / errorstack when the wlst code (changeDatasourceToXA) is executed?
DeleteThis is really awesome that you guys are doing this, we are just looking into docker for forms and this comes in handy, will execute and let you know. thanks.
ReplyDeleteProblem invoking WLST - traceback(innermost last):
ReplyDelete(no code object) at line 0
File "/opt/wls/oracle/", line 143
Hi Jay-Omaha US
ReplyDeleteCould You please check the mbeans used in that changeDataSourceToXA function? They all should be available in Your domain's environment. I'll check the function tomorrow morning and give feedback asap.
best regards
Thank You, guys, for forwarding the errormessage. Reason is, that the install procedure could not connect to the repository database and create the rcu repository. I'm pretty sure, that the lines
ReplyDelete# Repository Connect
export DBPWD=
export DB_HOST=
export DB_PORT=
export DB_SERVICE=
in Your file are still empty. Please fill in the necessary information and retry.
I will make an update in my blogpost ...
BTW: Was my fault ... sorry for that
Oh, thanks for your reply Robert.
ReplyDeletelooks like 1 problem with changeDataSourceToXA('localSvcTblDataSource') was missing indentation and not aligned with other calls.
SyntaxError: inconsistent dedent
corrected that i get the
[EL Severe]: ejb: --java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource cannot be cast to java.sql.Driver
for some reason, opss ds seems to be failing but log is not getting created, checking it.
Hi Robert,
ReplyDeletewhatever i do, i am not seeing the typical formsweb.cfg file under domains. I only see it under forms/templates/config. That tells me that some step is still missing?
the ohs_createInstance also has problems finding machine name
ohs_createInstance(instanceName=v_ohs_componentname, machine='AdminServerMachine', listenPort=v_ohs_listenport, sslPort=v_ohs_sslport)
Since we dont give machine name while creating domain, i think its empty and not matching anything ( i tried changing to name under config.xml)
Jay, good morning ...
ReplyDeleteSeems to be a little difficult ;-) ... would You mind to send some more information to this email address:
I would like to know:
- OS ... manufacturer and release
- Database Release and Edition
- FMW Infrastructure Release
- Forms / Reports Release
would be great to have a copy of Your (replace passwords by text 'password', and all identifying stuff like hostnames by a replacement name - for example as well as an output file of Your run of (start and 'tee' all output to a file --> ./ | tee -a crDomain.log (or something like that))
best regards
Hi Robert,
ReplyDeleteI have the same Jay issue:
find next output of the command:
[oracle@oralino install]$ ./
Program : ........
Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
Type help() for help on available commands
--> Started:
--> readDomain FRTEST started
-->: readDomain successful
--> select and load templates
-->: select templates successful
-->: load templates successful
--> JDBC configuration
-->: Configure localSvcTblDataSource
-->: Configure localSvcTblDataSource successful
-->: Configure opss-data-source
-->: Configure opss-data-source successful
-->: Configure opss-audit-viewDS
-->: Configure opss-audit-viewDS successful
-->: Configure opss-audit-DBDS
-->: Configure opss-audit-DBDS successful
-->: Modify Datasources: LocalSvcTblDataSource , opss-audit-DBDS, opss-audit-viewDS , opss-data-source
Change datasource LocalSvcTblDataSource
Change datasource opss-audit-DBDS
Change datasource opss-audit-viewDS
Change datasource opss-data-source
-->: Modify Datasources successful
--> Customize Domain Settings
-->: Name and Ports of the Managed Servers will be modified
-->: Modification of Name and Ports are successful
-->: Reports are remaining in own Managed Server
--> Nodemanager Configuration
-->: Nodemanager Configuration successful
--> AppDir will be set to /u00/appl/oracle/user_projects/applications
-->: Domain will be updated and saved
-->: ... this can take up to 5 minutes
[EL Severe]: ejb: 2017-06-16 21:51:28.399--ServerSession(532446437)--java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource cannot be cast to java.sql.Driver
Error: runCmd() failed. Do dumpStack() to see details.
Domain could not be saved
and here are a copy of my updated
[oracle@oralino install]$ cat ./
# Location to the directory in which the create Domain scripts are residing
export JDK_SOURCE=jdk-8u131-linux-x64.tar.gz
export JDK_SOURCE_TAR=jdk-8u131-linux-x64.tar
export JDK_REL=1.8.0_131
# Directories
export ORACLE_BASE=/u00/appl/oracle
export INT_ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/fmw-fr-
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/fmw-fr-
export WL_HOME=$INT_ORACLE_HOME/wlserver
export WLST_HOME=$INT_ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin
export DOMAIN_BASE=$ORACLE_BASE/user_projects/domains
export APPLICATION_BASE=$ORACLE_BASE/user_projects/applications
# install forms true / false
export FORMS12C=true
# install reports true / false
export REPORTS12C=true
# install OHS true / false
export WEBTIER12C=true
export OHS_LISTENPORT=7777
export OHS_SSLPORT=4443
# Domain specific
export TEMPLATE=$WL_HOME/common/templates/wls/wls.jar
# AdminServer
export AS_NAME=FRTESTAdminServer
export ADM_USER=weblogic
export ADM_PWD=system00
export ADMINPORT=7001
export ADMINPORTSSL=7101
export AS_HOST=`hostname -f`
# Name and Port for the Forms Managed Server
export FORMS12C_MS_PORT=9001
# Name and Port for the Reports Managed Server
export REPORTS12C_MS_PORT=9002
# Move Reports Application into WLS_FORMS (true or false)
export REPORTS_IN_FORMS=false
# NodeManager
export NM_LISTENADDRESS=`hostname -f`
export NM_TYPE=SSL
export NM_PORT=5556
export NM_USERNAME=nodemanager
export NM_PWD=system00
# Repository Connect
export DBUSER=sys
export DBPWD=system00
export COMPONENTPWD=system00
export DB_HOST=
export DB_PORT=1521
export DB_OMF=true
export DB_USER_PW=system00
export PWDFILE=$SCRIPT_HOME/passwords.txt
[oracle@oralino install]$
Hi Khaled,
ReplyDeletethank You for the information. Could You please send the AdminServer logfile where the 'cannot be cast' messages are in, send to
Next: Are You able to connect to the repository database, using the EZConnect connect string? Is the database a EE or SE - and what version?
best regards Robert
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, thank you for this good work.
Just to mention that the Python os.environ method caches the environment variables when it is first called.
So, even if you restart the server, the value returned by os.environ will never be the new one.
Hi Tim,
Deletethank You for Your valuable input. I had a look into phyton's documentation and found:
"This mapping is captured the first time the os module is imported, typically during Python startup as part of processing Changes to the environment made after this time are not reflected in os.environ, except for changes made by modifying os.environ directly.'
Nevertheless - to be sure, I'll create a sample script to check that. Keep You up2date ...
best regards
Finally I have moved the RCU data loading in the script as I think you don't need to be connected to WLST to execute it.
DeleteI have also added a check on available components and a final check to list all schemas loaded.
Note that the following script only load data in a pre-created RCU done by a DBA.
echo Creating password file
echo $DB_PWD > $PWD_FILE
echo List Available Components
$ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin/rcu -silent -listComponents
echo Loading Data in RCU in DB $DB_CONNECT_STRING
$ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin/rcu -silent -dataLoad -databaseType ORACLE -connectString ${DB_CONNECT_STRING} -dbUser ${DB_USER} -dbRole ${DB_ROLE} -useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers true -schemaPrefix ${SCHEMA_PREFIX} -component STB -component IAU -component IAU_APPEND -component IAU_VIEWER -component OPSS -f < ${PWD_FILE}
echo List Repository schemas in DB $DB_CONNECT_STRING
$ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin/rcu -silent -listSchemas -databaseType ORACLE -connectString ${DB_CONNECT_STRING} -dbUser ${DB_USER} -dbRole ${DB_ROLE} -schemaPrefix ${SCHEMA_PREFIX} -f < ${PWD_FILE}
Hi Tim,
Deletegreat job :-) ... and happy to see, that our (Dirk's and my) scriptset is a basis for other admins solutions.
regarding the 'move': my intention to place the rcu creation in the wlst script was, to have all stuff related to a certain 'task block' on one place. But, You are absolutely right, You can handle that in as well.
Thank you or sharing Your enhancements.
best regards
Thank you FOR sharing Your enhancements, not or ...
DeleteHi Robert,
ReplyDeleteSorry for the delayed reply.
I finally fixed all my issues and actually running in a docker container now.
1) Changed XADataSource to OracleDriver jdbc driver like other ones.
2) Had issues with my oracle db -xe 11g docker containter, changed that and my RCU schemas were fine after that
my only question, how do i add machine name (AdminServerMachine) to the domain creation of the admin server so that i could create the OHS instance property, otherwise, it gives error.
Hi Jay-Omaha
Deletegreat to hear that You've fixed the issues ... :-)
Regarding Your question: Could You please describe that in more detail? I ask, because after the domain is created, the AdminServerMachine is already attached to all Managed Servers and the Admin Server.
best regards
Actually, had to add this in to get this to work.
Hi Jay,
Deletethere is something wrong either with Your environment or with the scripts. creation of 'AdminServerMachine' is part of and done automatically.
Additionally, the configuration of the XA datasources - that should work out of the box ...
Could You please provide a list of releases and versions of the software You are using?
kind regards
ReplyDeleteI want to create another OHS instance how it can be added to the script and another weblogic instances and multiple forms reports weblogic managed servers How it can be added.
Hi Keshav,
Deletejust to be sure that I understood Your questions correctly. You want to add ...
- another OHS Instance on the same system, in addition to the 'standard one? Or, instead of the original one, another OHS in a different path?
- additional WLS Managed Servers for Forms and Reports on the same or on a remote system?
best regards
I'm interested in your reply in this. i.e. multiple forms and reports managed servers clustered across multiple servers. This scenario is closer to my real working environment.
Deleteand BTW I used WLS console to record my manual work on GUI to produce a py script, and modify it before applying to other env. but your scripts are beautiful anyway.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post. The scripts posted here worked for me. My only concern is how is that even though my 'ohs1' component is not running (ie. only the node manager, admin server and MS_FORMS are running), I can still launch my forms application in my browser. I did run enable_ohs as part of my configuration. Any idea why?
Is this going to work with since form setup is two parts not one.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest: I do not know at this very moment ... Have to check that. But, just in case, if You've tested it: Please let me know or leave a comment here.
DeleteHi Omar,
DeleteI have setup the same configuration in and did some changes and then it works perfectly fine atleast till domain configuration without OHS part.
Hi Robert,
i am facing during OHS setup. i am getting below error.
Connecting to t3://hostname:port with userid weblogic ...
This Exception occurred at Thu Aug 13 15:25:21 CEST 2020.
javax.naming.CommunicationException: Failed to initialize JNDI context, tried 2 time or times totally, the interval of each time is 0ms.
t3://hostname:port: Destination XX.XX.XX.XX, 8001 unreachable.; nested exception is: Connection refused (Connection refused); No available router to destination.; nested exception is:
java.rmi.ConnectException: No available router to destination. [Root exception is t3://hostname:port: Destination XX.XX.XX.XX, port unreachable.; nested exception is: Connection refused (Connection refused); No available router to destination.; nested exception is:
java.rmi.ConnectException: No available router to destination.]
Problem invoking WLST - Traceback (innermost last):
File "/opt/forms/soft/scripts/", line 15, in ?
File "", line 19, in connect
File "", line 553, in raiseWLSTException
Thank you very much for this. I am truly grateful.
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When running the script I get: mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/user_projects’: Permission denied. This happens regardless of any permission I have. I used 777 and still get that error! I also tried to create the directory before running the script and still wasn't able to create the files due to permission issues!
ReplyDeleteBoth articles (Dirk's and your's are great and are actually saving time.
ReplyDeleteI am on the way to prepare an upgrade weblo with Forms and Reports to I will install the new version next to the old one. I need to do that for 4 env : DEV, REC, UAT, PRD. There are at least 70 VMs in target. SO i would like to install fully unattended (Thks again). But i need also to cluster 16 Forms Managed Server (1 /VM) and 16 Reports Managed Server (1/VM) that i need to configure without graphical environment, Dirk'post on frmconfighelper was a great help for the Forms part as i suppose i can use the script to add Forms managed server to the cluster (forms_cluster) but,
How to do this for reports ?
Thank you for your answer and Best Regards from France
Hello Robert,
ReplyDeletethanks to you and Dirk for providing the scripts. Great help for us!
Currently we would like to set up a process to install Weblogic / Forms unattended - Reports we don't need.
The following steps work very well:
- install FMW Infrastructure software
- install Forms / Reports software
- install RCU repository
But when we create the Forms domain the AdminServer don't start.
In AdminServer.out we see the following errors:
<Server subsystem failed. Reason: A MultiException has 5 exceptions. They are:
1. [Management:141266]Parsing failure in config.xml: The following failures occurred:
-- Reference to AdminServerMachine by [icisfrm]/Servers[AdminServer]/Machine is ambigous;
The following beans share this name:
-- Reference to AdminServerMachine by [icisfrm]/Servers[WLS_FORMS]/Machine is ambigous;
The following beans share this name:
-- Reference to AdminServerMachine by [icisfrm]/SystemComponents[forms1]/Machine is ambigous;
The following beans share this name:
2. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform operation: create on
3. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform operation: post construct on
4. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: While attempting to resolve the dependencies of weblogic.t3.srvr.FinalThreadLocalService errors were found
5. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform operation: resolve on weblogic.t3.srvr.FinalThreadLocalService
When we create the domain without WLS_FORMS the AdminServer starts errorless.
Kind regards
Hi Frank, I'll have a closer look at this problem (and ask my colleague) and get back to You. What's the OS You're using for this installation?
ReplyDeleteHi Robert,
ReplyDeletethank you for your fast reply.
Our OS is:
$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9 (Maipo)
Kind regards
Hi Robert,
ReplyDeleteI found our error! It was a misconfiguration by us.
We had a double configuration of AdminServerMachine:
wls:/offline> readDomain('/oracle/mwfr12c/user_projects/domains/icisfrm')
wls:/offline/icisfrm>cd ('/Machines')
drw- AdminServerMachine
drw- AdminServerMachine
After deleting the following code sequence in
printHeader('Step: Create Unix Machine --> Set Machine Name ('+v_MachineName+') and Port ('+v_nmPort+')')
create(v_MachineName, 'UnixMachine')
cd('Machine/' + v_MachineName)
create(v_MachineName, 'NodeManager')
set('ListenAddress', v_nmListenAddress)
printInfo("Step: Create Unix Machine --> Successful")
the domain will be created and started without errors.
Kind regards
Hi Robert,
ReplyDeleteThanks for this great post and need your help with ohs components installation, its giving error -
Problem invoking WLST traceback (innermost last):
while looking at AdminServer logs -
Failed to find valid OHS installation