August 8, 2018

ODA X7 – no network connect after setup / re-image

Yesterday, I’d prepared an all new X7-2M. During the setup process / network configuration (using VLAN), I ran into a problem: Despite the network configuration was setup absolutely correct, any try to connect to the system from a jumphost was unsuccessful. 

Long story short: If You want to use the SFP28 (Fiberchannel) ports an ODA X7 offers, You have to do some config changes, to make it work. 
First of all: do a firmware upgrade to version or above. 
Next, configure the nic / nics to force the speed to 10000 and turn off autonegotiation. 

The firmware as well as a detailed description of all necessary steps can be found in MOS Note 2373070.1 ‘Using the onboard SFP28 ports on an ODA X7-2 server node’

How to copy Files to an ODA which is not available via network - by using the network

Sounds a little weird, I know - but works ... *lol*

Problem was: 

The all new ODA has installed old firmware for the SPF28 interfaces. This makes it impossible to connect the system to the network. To upgrade the interfaces You need to have the firmware files on the ODA ... but how can I copy the firmware to the ODA without a network connect?


First of all: create an ISO File from the Files You want to have in a virtual cd. With a mac, this is quite easy to do: start disk utility, then 'File / New Image / Image from Folder' and follow the instructions. Disk Utility will create a dmg file which hast to be reamed to iso. That's it, basically.

Next steps:

Open a browser window an connect to the ILOM (https://<ilom's hostname or ip>
Login by using ILOM's root account

Launch console

Open KVMS/Storage 

Add Storage - choose the iso you'd created and klick 'Connect'

Next, in a terminal session, start the console application (start /HOST/console), and mount the cdrom: 

mkdir /media/cdrom
mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom

copy the files to whereever You want on the ODA's file system :-)


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