Long story told short: Got two OCI machines and tried to install some Oracle stuff - Enterprise Manager, Database Software, Weblogic Server and such 'things'. Problem: How to install that without having a possibility to run a GUI? Well - I'm used to install oracle products using the 'silent' way. Nevertheless - How the heck can I get a GUI to run on a Mac? Here's the How To.
MacBook Pro (Mid 2014 - yes it's old, but I'm still waiting for the all new MacBook M1X, latest generation, 32GB RAM at least. Possibly, tomorrow I know more :-))
OCI - two machines running Linux, 32GB RAM, nothing special
To Do's
- Get XQUARTZ from the manufacturers website and install it on Your Mac
- connect to Your OCI machine(s) as user opc and login as root (sudo su -)
- check / change / edit '/etc/ssh/sshd_config:
X11Forwarding yes
X11UseLocalhost no
- restart sshd
systemctl restart sshd
- install two more packages - xterm (nice to have to check x11) and xauth. Simply run the two statements. In case xterm and/or xauth are installed already, nothing happens.
yum -y install xterm
yum -y install xauth
Let's try ...
- start XQUARTZ
- connect as opc to Your OCI machine (doesn't matter if You use mac's or an XQUARTZ window:
ssh -CX opc@<OCI machine>
- In case You're connecting using a ssh key:
ssh -CX -i <Path to the public key> opc@<OCI machine>
- run these two commands (You'll need the output right after the login as oracle):
echo "xauth add $(xauth list | grep `echo $DISPLAY | awk '{ print substr($0,index($0,":"),3) }'` | grep `hostname`)"
echo export DISPLAY=$DISPLAY
- connect as user oracle
sudo su - oracle
- execute the result of the two commands (xauth and echo) - which is something like this:
xauth add <oci machine hostname, full qualified>:<Display #> MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 <some kind of key>
export DISPLAY=<IP>:<Display #>
- run Your GUI stuff :-)
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